Eunice E. Longenecker Stoner '66
Outstanding Service to Humanity
Eunice E. Longenecker lived in Mechanicsburg with her father, Elmer Longenecker, and mother, Ruth Longenecker. They lived at 16 E. Coover St. She also attended Slate Hill Mennonite Church and by all accounts, her religious convictions led her on a life long journey devoted to helping her fellow man.
Upon graduation from Mechanicsburg Senior High School in 1966, she attended Messiah College in Grantham, PA. There she majored in Home Economics and received her B. S. in Home Economics Education in 1970.
Also, some of the most interesting people she met were the Navajo Code Talkers from World War II. These men had served in the United States armed forces and were responsible for developing a military code using the Navajo language. The Japanese tried unsuccessfully for years but were never able to break the code. When asked about these decorated soldiers, Eunice replied, “They were very nice, down to earth, humble people. Unfortunately, there are not many left as most of them have passed.”
On several occasions, the Navajo people held appreciation activities for both her and her husband Ben. But that’s not why they stayed on to help these people. They did it to serve not only God but also the Navajo Native American people. I guess you could say they fell in love with the people and their culture and language.
Along the way, they were supported by many friends and churches. They also served consecutively with three church organizations. These were the:
• Navajo Brethren in Christ Mission south of Bloomfield, New Mexico
• Navajo Ministries Inc. of Farmington, New Mexico and
• Brethren in Christ U.S. World Missions located in Grantham, PA.
Eunice and Ben served on location in New Mexico.
In the final analysis, what makes Eunice special was her dedication to serving God and humanity. Over the years she gave up having a big paying job and living in a nice comfortable house. It is hard to say how many lives Eunice touched, helped or perhaps even saved. We will never know that for sure. What we do know is that a girl from a small town in Pennsylvania, Mechanicsburg, grew up and became a great missionary. Because of this, Eunice was inducted into the Mechanicsburg Hall of Fame for her Outstanding Service to Humanity.
Eunice will not be able to attend the annual dinner to receive her award. She and Ben will be celebrating, with their children Tim and Joy Stoner, Joe and Melissa Stoner, Beckie and David Gregory, their grandchildren Andrew and Daniel Stoner, Richard, Rachel, Sallie, Hosanna, and Josiah Gregory, as well as friends on the same night as the alumni association dinner meeting in June. The celebration is for their fiftieth wedding anniversary. We wish them the best and will see that the Hall of Fame recipient plaque is shipped to them by late June. Ed Miller, class of 1966, has agreed to accept the award on behalf of Eunice.
Eunice was nominated for the Mechanicsburg Hall of Fame by Marjorie Day Hamlett, also a member of the class of 1966. Marjorie currently lives in Oregon with her family.