Linda Mohler Humes '55
Service to Humanity
As a member of the Mechanicsburg High School Class of 1955, her classmates can't remember a time when Linda wasn't on a committee or when she didn't become "the committee" with one other person because no one else was interested. Linda Mohler Humes is one of those dedicated individuals who keep voluntary non-profit organizations running and who enhance civic organizations with their organizational and financial expertise.
In the 1970's Linda served on the Mechanicsburg Visiting Nurses Association Board (VNA). The VNA provided excellent home health nursing care to community residents, and in 1989 became associated with Comfort Care of Holy Spirit Hospital. The assets, now worth $272,920, were used to establish one of the first funds in the Mechanicsburg Area Foundation (MAF). Income is used to provide health and social services for residents of the Mechanicsburg area including free mammograms and diagnostic screenings. Linda now serves on MAF's Advisory Committee and is happy to see the income from that fund being distributed annually for charitable health care projects in the Mechanicsburg area.
Over the years Linda has been involved with the following community activities: Cumberland County Historical Society, Board of Directors, Program Committee Chair; Bethany Development Corporation, Board of Directors; Mechanicsburg Revitalization Task Force/Main Street Trust; Joseph T. Simpson Public Library, Board of Trustees, Past President, Past Treasurer; Cumberland County Library System, Board of Directors; The Advisory Committee of The Mechanicsburg Area Foundation; and the Mechanicsburg Museum Association.
Twenty years after working with the first Mechanicsburg Revitalization Task Force/Main Street Trust, people who recognize the town's potential have again stepped forward to take action. As chair of borough council's Community Development / Downtown Committee, Linda was able to facilitate the formation of Main Street Mechanicsburg. With IRS status as a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization, the group is off and running in pursuit of its goals.
Her civic service includes serving as a member of the Mechanicsburg Borough Council since 2003 and past chair of the Borough of Mechanicsburg Planning and Zoning Commission. As a member of Borough Council, Linda has served on the following committees: Community Development & Downtown, Chair; Loan Review, Chair; Ordinance-Administration Legislative, Chair; Finance; Public Communications; and the Recycling Committee.
The progress of the Joseph T. Simpson Public Library has probably been the most phenomenal endeavor with which Linda has been involved. When she joined the Board in 1982, it was located in the former Church of the Brethren at Simpson and Frederick Streets and 130,000 items were circulated annually. Today, in the renovated mid-nineteenth century grain warehouse on North Walnut Street, space has tripled and annual circulation is 500,000+, including CDs and DVDs as well as books. There are computers available for public use and annually 34,000+ people attend programs for everyone from toddlers to seniors.
Linda has two daughters: Elizabeth Appleby, MASH '83 and Katharine Querry, MASH '88. She is a graduate of Hood College and a life-long member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Her interests are local history, reading, traveling and birding.
In the 1970's Linda served on the Mechanicsburg Visiting Nurses Association Board (VNA). The VNA provided excellent home health nursing care to community residents, and in 1989 became associated with Comfort Care of Holy Spirit Hospital. The assets, now worth $272,920, were used to establish one of the first funds in the Mechanicsburg Area Foundation (MAF). Income is used to provide health and social services for residents of the Mechanicsburg area including free mammograms and diagnostic screenings. Linda now serves on MAF's Advisory Committee and is happy to see the income from that fund being distributed annually for charitable health care projects in the Mechanicsburg area.
Over the years Linda has been involved with the following community activities: Cumberland County Historical Society, Board of Directors, Program Committee Chair; Bethany Development Corporation, Board of Directors; Mechanicsburg Revitalization Task Force/Main Street Trust; Joseph T. Simpson Public Library, Board of Trustees, Past President, Past Treasurer; Cumberland County Library System, Board of Directors; The Advisory Committee of The Mechanicsburg Area Foundation; and the Mechanicsburg Museum Association.
Twenty years after working with the first Mechanicsburg Revitalization Task Force/Main Street Trust, people who recognize the town's potential have again stepped forward to take action. As chair of borough council's Community Development / Downtown Committee, Linda was able to facilitate the formation of Main Street Mechanicsburg. With IRS status as a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization, the group is off and running in pursuit of its goals.
Her civic service includes serving as a member of the Mechanicsburg Borough Council since 2003 and past chair of the Borough of Mechanicsburg Planning and Zoning Commission. As a member of Borough Council, Linda has served on the following committees: Community Development & Downtown, Chair; Loan Review, Chair; Ordinance-Administration Legislative, Chair; Finance; Public Communications; and the Recycling Committee.
The progress of the Joseph T. Simpson Public Library has probably been the most phenomenal endeavor with which Linda has been involved. When she joined the Board in 1982, it was located in the former Church of the Brethren at Simpson and Frederick Streets and 130,000 items were circulated annually. Today, in the renovated mid-nineteenth century grain warehouse on North Walnut Street, space has tripled and annual circulation is 500,000+, including CDs and DVDs as well as books. There are computers available for public use and annually 34,000+ people attend programs for everyone from toddlers to seniors.
Linda has two daughters: Elizabeth Appleby, MASH '83 and Katharine Querry, MASH '88. She is a graduate of Hood College and a life-long member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Her interests are local history, reading, traveling and birding.